Thursday 2 April 2020

Another Morning Walk.

 I must have driven past this garden many times, but it isn't until you walk along the streets that you appreciate the details of the vegetation in the gardens that you pass. I've driven past this tree thousands of times over 50 years, but I've never particularly noticed this Camphor Laurel tree before.
Whether naturally or with some human help, the trunk has joined in 2 places, diverged and joined again.
The trunk is this gorgeous silky mix of colours, here shining in the sun. I wonder if there will be any more joining of the branches, but if there is it will be too high up in the canopy for anyone to notice, even to those just walking past.


Unknown said...

I love that trunk! There is one that I occasionally see when in Heidelberg, it is on a path towards Warringal Park, going from Rosanna Road towards the park. I can't remember for sure, but I think the path goes under the joined trunks. I will have a look next time I'm there - which probably won't be for months, after lockdown is lifted.

mycamerandme365 said...

I'd love to see another similar one!