Sunday, 21 April 2019


 While I wasn't happy with the original prints from the collagraph plate, I'm determined to use all or parts of the prints in some sort of collage. I used to think that in order to exhibit prints, they had to be one piece of paper with one impression. However at a recent exhibition I was interested to see that several artists had actually used parts of various prints to make a whole image, and some of them I thought had worked very well.
 Using thin strips of black card, I have been playing around with the idea of a trellis or even prison bars! I think that I prefer the arrangement of the bars as above, which would be more of a trellis effect.
I think this sun printed background makes the whole image too busy perhaps, but it was worth a try.
I like the idea of one butterfly on the 'outside' and the others on the inside, but this isn't quite the way to go I don't think.

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