Thursday 18 April 2019


This doll is called Sunset, and was made by my seven year old granddaughter this morning. I found a pair of fairy/angel wings at the charity shop, so the aim was to make a suitable recipient of the wings. Since this photo was taken, the doll has acquired a pair of purple felt shoes! I suggested that the little craft person draw a body on paper first and then to learn how to pin the paper pattern onto calico and cut it out. A face was then then drawn a few times on paper to practice and then drawn onto the calico head.  I sewed the outline of the doll on the sewing machine and then she stuffed it with a little help on the thin arms & legs. She chose rainbow coloured yarn/ ribbon for the hair and the arms and legs were decorated with drawings. The dress fabric was chosen from a collection of synthetic materials, sewn up and fastened with 2 buttons at the back, which the wings could be attached to. Little Miss Seven was thrilled to bits with her special doll, especially since she did quite a bit of the making herself.

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