While looking for something quite different I came across a bottle of gold acrylic paint in my cupboard. I hadn't used any of it judging by the amount in the bottle and then I remembered that it was a very cheap brand of paint that I was sure wouldn't stay 'open' on the gelatine plate. It did however, and being a cheap bottle of paint I could afford to really use generous quantities of it to test it out.
Unfortunately the sheen of gold reflects strongly in a photo, but these prints are only test pieces anyway. I also used black paper for the first time on a gelatine plate and can definitely see possibilities for it's use in the future. I cut the spirals from heavy duty plastic and the figure masks from shapes in a book.No more gold in the print below, but more of the spiral masks, used over the top of an old texture print in dark grey.
More spirals and figure masks below.