Sunday 10 January 2021

Hot off the Gelli Plate.

 I'm continuing my exploration of the ability of the gelatine plate to produce interesting prints, and every time that I make a few prints, I find that I'm discovering a new way of producing an image. Even if I can't call the result a success most of the time, I'm learning something new or even just a new combination of colours every time. The print below has many layers of gear images as well as a few key shapes on the left side. I'm not sure if this is the final version, I suspect not!

The background in the print above has so many layers that I've forgotten exactly what I used to make it, but from a print that was destined for the rubbish bin, it now has possibilities.

I love collecting and using insect damaged leaves in prints, as in the one above. The chewed holes make the leaves so much more interesting than completely pristine ones I think.

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