Sunday 2 January 2022

First Print of 2022.

Having promised myself that I would find time for art immediately after Christmas, the days just rushed by taken up with all sorts of things other than art. Yesterday however I managed to find a couple of hours to make the above print from a weed that we call Shepherd's Purse. The little seed pods do in fact resemble heart shaped purses, and I knew that they would make lovely prints as long as they hadn't dried out too much. Bits always fall off if the vegetation is too dry, but I used them just in time as I did have to remove some little bits from the plate.
Below is the same print but with the colours reversed in Photoshop. In my next printing session I'll try something similar with printing inks in this range of colours, pale blue background, cream, grey and bright blue plants.

1 comment:

Susan Lenz said...

Thanks so much for the comment on my blog regarding the little, yellow, glass Christmas ornament birds. I thought they might have been from the 1950s due to the never-opened box in which they came but there was no label. I couldn't be sure. Our family didn't have anything like them. I'm sorry to hear that your Christmas tree fell over and that the glass ornaments were broken. Here at Mouse House (my picture framing business which is located on the ground floor) our Christmas tree stays up 24/7. It is, however, made from wrought iron. I commissioned it at about the time you lost your ornaments. I wanted something sturdy and staple enough to hold up the glass orbs were bought over the years. That tree is probably my husband and my favorite possession. Happy New Year. Love your recent print, especially in blue!