Thursday, 21 December 2017


 This morning we drove a little over an hour or so out of Melbourne to a farm that grows Blueberries. We go at this time every year and enjoy the experience and the fruit. It's very relaxing, as picking is by invitation only so it's not crowded and noisy as some of the fruit picking farms tend to be.
 It was only day 3 of this season's pick, so there were masses of huge ripe fruit. I only picked from 3 bushes and stopped after an hour just because my bucket was full. Well, not quite full, but I didn't want it to tip over in the car on the return trip
 You have to be careful not to knock the still green fruit off when the berries are as tightly packed as these are.
Here are the 6 Kg of blueberries that were picked this morning.  Some are destined to be given away, some are eaten fresh and the rest are frozen for use during the year in pies, cakes and desserts. Actually most of these are for when we have guests, as we rarely eat sweet things. A recipe that I often use for a Swedish blueberry pie made with an oatmeal pastry is particularly delicious.

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