Friday, 12 August 2016

Salt Dyeing.

 While I was away with a group of stitching friends last week we tried out some salt dyeing using Genesis Liquid Radiance Dyes. Here  These  dyes which are made in Australia, don't need a soda ash pre-soak  and are very easy to use. The techniques used in these samples,( not mine unfortunately), are variations on using salt and various forms of scrunching and folding. The one above used a trail of fine salt crystals to make the curving pattern.
 This flame like piece was made by wrapping the cloth around a thick cord and dyeing into the folds.
                                 Another piece with random placement of rock salt crystals.
            Again fine salt was used and the fabric was folded and the edges dyed in the pink colour.

                                                 Larger salt crystals and folding used here.
                             A whole day spent exploring the use of dyes and salt, what a luxury!


Mary said...

They are gorgeous!! You must have had a wonderful time, despite the cold weather.
I have been playing around with an idea that involves some opal themes and feel very inspired. Must get out and see if I can do some dyeing, have a good play. Thanks.

mycamerandme365 said...

Unfortunately they lost some of their brilliance once dried and then washed, but over all a good result. Enjoy your opal themed play, and I look forward to seeing the results.