Tuesday, 3 January 2012

With an extensive vegetable garden and several fruit trees, it's always frustrating to lose fruit and vegetables to the efforts of the wild life, birds, possums and rats! The peach and nectarine trees have been shrouded in nets for weeks and bait has been put into PVC tubes for the rats, replaced almost daily as they enjoy a good meal of rat poison! I gave up today after finding 8 or so beautiful nectarines, almost ripe with a bite out of each one. So I stripped the trees of the remaining fruit even though most of it is bullet hard and still unripe. The beasts hadn't started on the peaches yet, maybe put off by the furry skin, but I'm sure that once the nectarines had vanished they would soon turn their attention to the peaches. I got about half the number of nectarines that were on the tree a week or so ago. Grrrrrrrrrr!

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