I've been spending quite a bit of time recently on making my dancing figures. I need to have them mounted on a coloured background, so while I have settled on a basic figure, I'm not sure about what is the best contrast between the figure and the background.
The figure below is another version of the diamond pattern carved onto the rubber block. This pattern is much too regular, but I like the finer lines. The figure is too short and fat for this particular project, so I will carve another more slender figure very soon.

These slender figures are more what I had in mind, and here I'm thinking of contrasting colours for the figure and the background. The background papers are all gelatine printed patterns, some from long ago like the pale blue paper and some from just this afternoon like the grey one above.
I don't like the grey at all, much too dull and cold, but it does provide a contrast with the orange figure.I think that the blue figure is much better, and although I like the yellow figure on the blue background, I don't think that the contrast is high enough.