Like many thousands of people around the world, I was in lockdown for many weeks while the dreaded Virus rampaged around the country. Being retired this didn't effect me a great deal, apart from not being able to see the extended family and go to all the usual activities that I enjoy. However, those with school aged children, in the workforce and having to watch the finances had a very different experience, a not quite so pleasant one it has to be said! I watched my daughter juggling full time University teaching, supervising her childrens' schooling and trying to fit in all the usual domestic tasks, not forgetting to walk the dog. Even with a very supportive and helpful husband it was not easy. This print above represents my daughter and all those juggling life during the lockdowns, trying to keep all the balls in the air! I actually went on further with this print, transferring it to fabric and embellishing it with free motion machine embroidery. My daughter wants it for her office wall, and of course I am delighted to give it to her.