Grey Fantail
New Holland Honeyeaters.
Eastern Spinebill.
I think that these are Brown Thornbills.
Monday, 31 March 2014
Saturday, 29 March 2014
Tidying Up and Moving On.
Having finished with my Nasturtium series I've now got the job of tidying things away, tossing out things that are no longer needed and moving to the next blank page in my record book.
I know that a lot of people keep a sketchbook while trying things out for artistic purposes, but I tend to do less sketching and more record keeping.
I didn't end up using these stamps or this collograph plate, but I'm sure they will come in handy one day!
I know that a lot of people keep a sketchbook while trying things out for artistic purposes, but I tend to do less sketching and more record keeping.
I didn't end up using these stamps or this collograph plate, but I'm sure they will come in handy one day!
Thursday, 27 March 2014
Sunday, 23 March 2014
Having enclosed all our raised vegetable garden beds with rigid metal aviary netting at the top and on the ends of the cages, and with cattery netting on the 2 remaining sides, we manage to keep out the possums and birds, but not the rats unfortunately.
Not content with climbing up underneath the netting they are now chewing holes in the netting itself. RATS !!
Not content with climbing up underneath the netting they are now chewing holes in the netting itself. RATS !!
Saturday, 22 March 2014
A Plethora of Pink!

It wasn't a conscious decision to grow only pink flowers, but at this time of the year, late Autumn, this is what is in flower at the moment..... and they happen to be pink.
Unfortunately I can't remember what the little pink flower in the middle is here, but I do remember that it is an Australian Native plant.
Thursday, 20 March 2014
Last View.
The screen printed nasturtium piece is finally finished, although this is only one corner of it on show. Much as I've enjoyed the process, I'll be glad to move onto something new!
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Monday, 17 March 2014
I think that the nasturtium piece needs a dragonfly.....or 2. Here I'm testing out various sizes, shapes and colours. Some are paper and some are fabric, but obviously the final versions will have to be fabric.
Friday, 14 March 2014
The Next Stage.
I decided that I didn't like the orange/pink nasturtium seed pods, so have changed them to shades of green. They aren't fixed in position yet, but this is a possible arrangement. I have added a running stitch border which may morph into a double row eventually.
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Waste Not Want Not!
A few months ago I made a 'home-made' Gelli plate with gelatine, glycerine and alcohol as per the recipe doing the rounds at the moment. It worked very well, but suddenly after all our warm weather I suppose, it developed mould, something that surprised me with all the alcohol in the recipe. Anyway, not to waste a possible background picture for something down the track, here is the photo of the mould on the underside of the plate that was resting on a scrap of cardboard. The top also went mouldy in a couple of spots, but not with such interesting colours as this.
Monday, 10 March 2014
Almost There.
After many, many permutations, this piece is starting to come together. There is a lot more actual sewing to do, but I'm starting to become happier with the design. The background is black wool felt which I will mount on a black painted canvas board. Having so many of my pieces professionally framed that are languishing in a cupboard, I don't want to have the expense of framing this one.
Saturday, 8 March 2014
The Next Phase.
At last I have found some time to get back to the textile piece that I've more or less been working on for the past 2 months. What I have in my mind is probably quite different to how this will turn out, but it's working to plan so far.
Thursday, 6 March 2014
I don't think that this fence will keep anything in or out as the old fence posts are flat on the ground and the old rusty wire just hanging on.
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
Early Morning.
Unfortunately this photo doesn't really show how lovely the light was through the trees on our early morning walk in the bush. Believe me it was really lovely!
Monday, 3 March 2014
Sunday, 2 March 2014
Rain Needed!
All the dry mud on the right of this photo should be covered in water, but unfortunately the dam is nearly empty. Still enough for the kangaroos to drink though.
Saturday, 1 March 2014
Unfortunately this beetle that I found was dead, but I couldn't resist photographing the fabulous pattern on it's back.
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