Friday 15 May 2020

This 'n That.

 I can never really get the true colours of a sunset on film, but with the 'sunset' setting on my camera the colours certainly were more or less accurate this time.
 The branches of this tree were recently taken off and I feared that the rest of the tree would be removed too, However, it has been left and lo and behold, it's sprouting new foliage up and down the trunk. It almost looks as if the foliage is in a spiral pattern up the trunk. It just shows the amazing regenerative abilities of our Eucalyptus tress.
 Meanwhile I managed to grab a little bit of time for a short printing session with the gelatin plate, a cardboard plate and a cardboard figure that I had constructed to use as a collagraph plate. It didn't work all that well, but I'm happy with the general idea and layout.
Here's another version, this time with the larger sphere less 'underwater' looking and without the figure. I'll concentrate on carving a rubber figure the same size as the cardboard one before going any further.

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