Sunday 3 September 2017

Leaves & Flowers.

 I don't usually have time for such an output of stamp carving, but Melbourne's winter weather just keeps going on and on, although we are now officially in spring, so the outdoor activities have been put on hold yet again. When carving stamps from the size blocks that are available, there are always masses of small off cuts left over. These make small stamp blocks and I always feel very virtuous using up the scrap material rather than starting a whole new block. Here are 3 small flowers that I made this afternoon, the one on the right didn't turn out very well, so I'm not sure that I'll ever use it.
                       Using the foliage that I have just carved with the new flower stamps.
 More foliage needed, so here is the beginning of a more complex stem and leaves. I have left the tops of 3 stems ready to have flowers added to them.
Although this works quite well, I don't like the flaring ends of the stems, so will perhaps trim them off eventually. I had envisioned flowers at a side angle to go onto the ends, but these 'full frontal' flowers don't quite fit.

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